The 1-1 Soul Business Accelerator
For coaches who are ready to birth their Soul work into the world and want to do it FAST.
The 1-1 Soul Business Accelerator
For coaches who are ready to birth their Soul work into the world & want to do it FAST.
You’re ready to share your magic with the world, aren’t you, my love?
You’ve been on a journey of deep transformation. You have experienced real change within yourself and have healed in so many ways.
And despite those niggling doubts… “Am I healed enough?”, “Do I know enough to support others?”, “Am I cut out to be a coach?”
… You know deep in your Soul, you are being called to do this work.
To help the women who are, right now, going through, exactly what you’ve been through.
This is your purpose.
And although you are afraid, you know it’s time to stop playing small & start to fully become the woman you know you are destined to be and to help these beautiful women you know you are here to help.
This is your Soul work and it’s calling you.
You are being called to birth this unique offering that is aligned, authentic and comes straight from your heart.
Let me be your Doula as you birth your Soul work into the world.
You’re ready to share your magic with the world, aren’t you, my love?
You’ve been on a journey of deep transformation.
You have experienced real change within yourself and have healed in so many ways.
And despite those niggling doubts… “Am I healed enough?”, “Do I know enough to support others?”, “Am I cut out to be a coach?”
… You know deep in your Soul, you are being called to do this work.
To help the women who are, right now, going through, exactly what you’ve been through.
This is your purpose.
And although you’re afraid, you know it’s time to stop playing small & start to fully become the woman you know you are destined to be and to help these beautiful women you know you are here to help.
This is your Soul work and it’s calling you.
You are being called to birth this unique offering that is aligned, authentic and comes straight from your heart.
Let me be your Doula as you birth your Soul work into the world.

Let me be your Doula as you birth your Soul work into the world.

Doula definition: a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to their client before, during and shortly after birth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.
Let me be your Doula as you birth your Soul work into the world.

Doula definition: a trained professional who provides continuous physical, emotional and informational support to their client before, during and shortly after birth to help them achieve the healthiest, most satisfying experience possible.
Feeling confused and frustrated…
And lacking a clear direction or vision for your business, does not mean in any way that you are not cut out to be a coach or to share this work you feel called to share.
It’s completely NORMAL to feel this way and to find yourself procrastinating and not taking any action in your business…
Especially when no-one is supporting you to birth this incredible gift you are here to share with the world.
But bringing your Soul work to the world in a way that allows you to feel confident, excited, sparkly and motivated yet still deeply rooted in your skill set is EASY to do when…
You are fully supported to liberate the cause of your procrastination and access the CLARITY that comes from your body wisdom and work with her to bring forth your most aligned, authentic offering.
I know this because this is the work I have been supporting my clients with since 2020.
Feeling confused and frustrated…
And lacking a clear direction or vision for your business, does not mean in any way that you are not cut out to be a coach or to share this work you feel called to share.
It’s completely NORMAL to feel this way and to find yourself procrastinating and not taking any action in your business…
Especially when no-one is supporting you to birth this incredible gift you are here to share with the world.
But bringing your Soul work into the world in a way that allows you to feel confident, excited, sparkly and motivated yet still deeply rooted in your skill set is EASY to do when…
You are fully supported to liberate the cause of your procrastination and access the CLARITY that comes from your body wisdom and work with her to bring forth your most aligned, authentic offering.
I know this because this is the work I have been supporting my clients with since 2020.
Hear from some of my Soulmate Clients
Hear from some of my Soulmate Clients
From confused and frustrated to moving forward FAST with an authentic, aligned offer.
I reached out to Niamh with the desire to start moving fowards in my business, creating an offering that comes from my heart and feels authentic, alive, loving and deeply rooted in my skill set. Having treated my business like a hobby and having procastinated a lot over the past years, I was feeling confused and frustrated about the direction I wanted to take in my business. I was in my head about it and I knew I needed to go within first. This is exactly what I received with Niamh. Our first session helped me to deeply connect with the essential energy of my business which gives me such a sense of freedom and excitement. It helped me to tap into the knowing that any offering that comes from that essence will feel authentic and just amazing! I loved how excited and connected I felt after the session, and how much has been coming up around it during the days after. I truly never imagined to feel like this so FAST but after only a few sessions with Niamh, I was already experiencing a huge shift. I was so excited around what is coming through and I felt so much more alive in my life in general. My offering is now ready to be birthed and I feel so excited about bringing this into the world. I feel a deep sense of inner inspiration that motivates me every day to take actions. I also gained a lot of clarity around the core essence of my business and reconnecting to that essence in moments of doubt has helped me so much! It feels like reconnecting to my strong roots that give me the foundation to grow and expand.
Lizzy Guhl – Embodied Pregnancy Coach
From confused and frustrated to moving forward FAST with an authentic, aligned offer.
I reached out to Niamh with the desire to start moving fowards in my business, creating an offering that comes from my heart and feels authentic, alive, loving and deeply rooted in my skill set. Having treated my business like a hobby and having procastinated a lot over the past years, I was feeling confused and frustrated about the direction I wanted to take in my business. I was in my head about it and I knew I needed to go within first. This is exactly what I received with Niamh. Our first session helped me to deeply connect with the essential energy of my business which gives me such a sense of freedom and excitement. It helped me to tap into the knowing that any offering that comes from that essence will feel authentic and just amazing! I loved how excited and connected I felt after the session, and how much has been coming up around it during the days after. I truly never imagined to feel like this so FAST but after only a few sessions with Niamh I was already experiencing a huge shift. I was so excited around what is coming through and I felt so much more alive in my life in general. My offering is now ready to be birthed and I feel so excited about bringing this into the world. I feel a deep sense of inner inspiration that motivates me every day to take actions. I also gained a lot of clarity around the core essence of my business and reconnecting to that essence in moments of doubt has helped me so much! It feels like reconnecting to my strong roots that give me the foundation to grow and expand.
Lizzy Guhl
Embodied Pregnancy Coach
From no clear vision for her business to her first $3000 client in 6 weeks
I am amazed at how fast everything moved while working with Niamh. When we started working together, I was confused, afraid and had no clear vision for my business, I was even considering getting a job. But very quickly through our sessions, we worked through the resistance I had to being seen as a beginner, to being visible online, getting over the ickiness I felt about charging more than $500 for a container of coaching sessions. By week 3 I was clear on the offers I wanted to share and by week 5 I had signed my first client at $3,000. I’m so grateful. I really feel that having the support to go into the fears and limiting beliefs and discovering the more empowering truth as well as stepping into the role of the version of me who is already doing this work had the greatest impact.
Christina Lane – Transition Coach
From no clear vision for her business to her first $3000 client in 6 weeks
I am amazed at how fast everything moved while working with Niamh. When we started working together, I was confused, afraid and had no clear vision for my business, I was even considering getting a job. But very quickly through our sessions, we worked through the resistance I had to being seen as a beginner, to being visible online, getting over the ickiness I felt about charging more than $500 for a container of coaching sessions. By week 3 I was clear on the offers I wanted to share and by week 5 I had signed my first client at $3,000. I’m so grateful. I really feel that having the support to go into the fears and limiting beliefs and discovering the more empowering truth as well as stepping into the role of the version of me who is already doing this work had the greatest impact.
Christina Lane
Transition Coach

This is a journey of embodiment…
…Embodying the woman you are here to be and the work you are here to do.
Feeling safe in your body to share your soul work is the key to creating a truly authentic aligned offer and business that you feel confident & excited about.
Together we will work with the key pillars below for you to become that confident, inspired coach and business owner you are ready to be.
Pillar One
Unlock the power of your personal journey to discover your transformational niche, Soulmate client & your aligned, authentic offer.
Pillar Two
Tune into the unique essense of your business & allow that be your well of inspiration as you embody the woman you were born to be.
Pillar Three
Liberate the limiting beliefs & fears that hold you back so that you feel confident, excited and motivated as you build your Soul business.
Pillar Four
Ground your offer, align with your purpose & embody the safety necessary to share your Soul work with confidence.
This is a journey of embodiment…
…Embodying the woman you are here to be and the work you are here to do.
Feeling safe in your body to share your soul work is the key to creating a truly authentic aligned offer and business that you feel confident & excited about.
Together we will work with the key pillars below for you to become that confident, inspired coach and business owner you are ready to be.
Pillar One
Liberate the limiting beliefs & fears that hold you back so that you feel confident, excited and motivated as you build your Soul business.
Pillar Two
Tune into the unique essense of your business & allow that be your well of inspiration as you embody the woman you were born to be.
Pillar Three
Unlock the power of your personal transformational journey to discover your niche, Soulmate client & your aligned, authentic offer.
Pillar Four
Ground your offer, align with your purpose & embody the safety necessary to share your Soul work with confidence and strength.
You are a New or Pivoting Coach who is…
- Deeply desiring to support women who are experiencing what you’ve been healing from.
- Feeling called to birth an aligned, authentic, Soulful offering and business but…
- Feeling overwhelmed, afraid, confused and frustrated.
- Procrastinating, not taking any actions in your business, not creating your website, offers, posting on social etc.
- Not clear on the direction or vision for your business or how to bring an offer together.
- Feeling pressure to get a “job” or continue in job you don’t enjoy.
But you are NOW ready to…
- Be fully supported to build your business in a sustainable, fulfilling way.
- Collapse time and start moving forward FAST as you…
- Say goodbye to procrastination and step into Soul inspired action.
- Create aligned, authentic offers straight from the heart.
- Feel empowered, confident, excited, and motivated.
- Do the necessary work to get there.

YOU are exactly who I support in The Chrysalis!
You are a New or Pivoting Coach who is…
- Deeply desiring to support women who are experiencing what you’ve been healing from.
- Feeling called to birth an aligned, authentic, Soulful offering and business but…
- Feeling overwhelmed, afraid, confused and frustrated.
- Procrastinating, not taking any actions in your business, not creating your website, offers, posting on social etc.
- Not clear on the direction or vision for your business or how to bring an offer together.
- Feeling pressure to get a “job” or continue in job you don’t enjoy.
But you are NOW ready to…
- Be fully supported to build your business in a sustainable, fulfilling way.
- Collapse time and start moving forward FAST as you…
- Say goodbye to procrastination and step into Soul inspired action.
- Create aligned, authentic offers straight from the heart.
- Feel empowered, confident, excited, and motivated.
- Do the necessary work to get there.

YOU are exactly who I support in The Chrysalis!
Inside The Chrysalis…
“You have an incredible gift inside you that is uniquely yours to share”
Inside The Chrysalis, we will help you connect to your truest essence and deepest well of inspiration so that you can transform all that powerful knowledge and experience you have into an authentic, deeply aligned signature offer rooted in your skill set.
And to do that in a way that will have you collapse time and start to move forward in your business FAST while taking only inspired action.
Be held in a container that supports you to…
Transform the depth of your knowledge and experience into a powerful signature offer;
Feel PROUD of all that you have overcome and excited to support others;
Get ready to soar with newly grown wings as you create the Soul-Led business you have been dreaming of in a deeply nourishing way.
You do not need more certifications, it’s time to birth your powerful Soul work.
Now is your time!
You do not need more certifications,
It’s time to birth your Soul work.
The Chrysalis…
“You have an incredible gift inside you that is uniquely yours to share”
Inside ‘The Chrysalis’ we will help you connect to your truest essence and deepest well of inspiration so that you can transform all that powerful knowledge and experience you have into an authentic, deeply aligned signature offer rooted in your skill set.
And to do that in a way that will have you collapse time and start to move forward in your business FAST while taking only inspired action.
Be held in a container that supports you to…
Transform the depth of your knowledge and experience into a powerful signature offer;
Feel PROUD of all that you have overcome and excited to support others;
Get ready to soar with newly grown wings as you create the Soul-Led business you have been dreaming of in a deeply nourishing way.
You do not need more certifications, it’s time to birth your powerful Soul work.
Now is your time!
You do not need more certifications,
It’s time to birth your Soul work.
“In only a few sessions with Niamh, I got crystal clear about my soulmate client and feel aligned with my purpose!”
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU for our calls. Your questions and guidance have helped me so much these past weeks! After trying for over a year to find out who I am serving, I am so happy that in only a few sessions with you I got crystal clear about my soulmate client and feel aligned with my purpose! AMAZING! It feels like I am working things from the inside out and I absolutely love it. I used to work with a masculine energy and feel guilty whenever I couldn’t follow this rhythm. Our calls make me feel at peace. They enable me to listen myself more, be more kind to myself and make decisions that are more aligned with my heart.
Carmen Mar – Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
“In only a few sessions with Niamh, I got crystal clear about my soulmate client and feel aligned with my purpose!”
I just want to say a BIG THANK YOU for our calls. Your questions and guidance have helped me so much these past weeks! After trying for over a year to find out who I am serving, I am so happy that in only a few sessions with you I got crystal clear about my soulmate client and feel aligned with my purpose! AMAZING! It feels like I am working things from the inside out and I absolutely love it. I used to work with a masculine energy and feel guilty whenever I couldn’t follow this rhythm. Our calls make me feel at peace. They enable me to listen to myself more, be more kind to myself and make decisions that are more aligned with my heart.
Carmen Mar – Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
I’m feeling so much more confident. Niamh helped me gain clarity and pride and really see the value I have to share.
Niamh is a midwife for creative entrepreneurs. I am just getting started, so I came to Niamh with the overwhelm around all the things to do when trying to start a soul-driven business in a nourishing way. But really at the heart of my block was the question of “am I really healed enough to help others?” Niamh so tenderly helped me to gain clarity and feel pride in where I was, where I am, and all I have done to get here. I hadn’t allowed time and space to really recognize any of that. She helped me see the transformation I’ve made, and how valuable that experience can be in helping others. Believing and really feeling that you can be of honest service to others is the very first step on this entrepreneurial journey, and I’m sure it is something I will need to revisit often! Niamh’s compassionate guidance is just what I needed. I’m feeling more confident in my balanced approach and am looking forward for what’s to come!
Amy Frankel – Feminine Embodiment Coach
I’m feeling so much more confident. Niamh helped me gain clarity and pride and really see the value I have to share.
Niamh is a midwife for creative entrepreneurs. I am just getting started, so I came to Niamh with the overwhelm around all the things to do when trying to start a soul-driven business in a nourishing way. But really at the heart of my block was the question of “am I really healed enough to help others?” Niamh so tenderly helped me to gain clarity and feel pride in where I was, where I am, and all I have done to get here. I hadn’t allowed time and space to really recognize any of that. She helped me see the transformation I’ve made, and how valuable that experience can be in helping others. Believing and really feeling that you can be of honest service to others is the very first step on this entrepreneurial journey, and I’m sure it is something I will need to revisit often! Niamh’s compassionate guidance is just what I needed. I’m feeling more confident in my balanced approach and am looking forward for what’s to come!
Amy Frankel – Feminine Embodiment Coach
Let’s be honest forcing yourself to do the things you don’t want to do feels awful. BUT… Only doing the energy work can feel super stressful too.
To build a healthy, supportive, nourishing business it is absolutely essential we balance the feminine flow with masculine structure. And this is exactly how we work in The Chrysalis. We begin with the feminine energy work and then we ground the inspired steps with practical action.
What you will receive when you join:
This is a bespoke container because you my love, are UNIQUE and there is no one size fits all approach to help you birth your Soulwork into the world but this support offering is a 3 month container consisting of:
- 1x Soulmate Client Journey Experience. Together, we will unpack the steps of your journey, your Soulmate client, your niche, your unique transformational offering and how you can be of deep service to your potential clients and feel deeply aligned with your purpose. (Value: €555)
- 6x intimate 90 minute coaching sessions where together, we will explore what has really been holding you back, your fears, your limiting beliefs, the causes of your procrastination, and through intuitive, trauma informed, embodiment coaching we will work to release these blocks and access the real truth and wisdom that lies beneath, reclaim your power and discover your aligned next steps and inspired action. This is the real work. (Value: €3,330)
- Embodied homework, accountability and between call support via email during office hours Mon-Fri (Included in price above).
- Technical Support Bonus 1: Build Your Offer Page Training & No.1 Professional Website Builder – Divi. (Value: €1,200).
- Technical Support Bonus 2: Website Creation Support – A mini training containing everything you need to self build or hire someone to build your website (Current Value: €297).
Total Value: €5,382
The Promise…
Your unique signature offer, grounded and embodied in such a way that you have all you need to move forward with your business feeling confident, motivated and excited with inspired action propelling your forward momentum.
Together we will….
- Liberate the fears or limiting beliefs holding you back
- Shift from procrastination to Soul inspired action.
- Tune into your unique essence and endless well of inspiration.
- Gain clarity on who you serve and how you serve them
- Allow your transformational offering to arise from within you
- Craft a clear message straight from your Soul
- Ground your soul aligned offer so you feel safe to confidently to share your work with the world.

Balance is the bedrock of this work
Let’s be honest forcing yourself to do the things you don’t want to do feels awful. BUT… Only doing the energy work can feel super stressful too.
To build a healthy, supportive, nourishing business it is absolutely essential we balance the feminine flow with masculine structure. And this is exactly how we work in The Chrysalis. We begin with the feminine energy work and then we ground the inspired steps with practical action.
What you will receive when you join:
This is a bespoke container because you my love, are UNIQUE and there is no one size fits all approach to help you birth your Soulwork into the world but this support offering is a 3 month container consisting of:
- 1x Soulmate Client Journey Experience. Together, we will unpack the steps of your journey, your Soulmate client, your niche, your unique transformational offering and how you can be of deep service to your potential clients and feel deeply aligned with your purpose. (Value: €555)
- 6x intimate 90 minute coaching sessions where together, we will explore what has really been holding you back, your fears, your limiting beliefs, the causes of your procrastination, and through intuitive, trauma informed, embodiment coaching we will work to release these blocks and access the real truth and wisdom that lies beneath, reclaim your power and discover your aligned next steps and inspired action. This is the real work. (Value: €3,330)
- Embodied homework, accountability and between call support via email during office hours Mon-Fri (Included in price above).
- Technical Support Bonus 1: Build Your Offer Page Training & No.1 Professional Website Builder – Divi. (Value: €1,200).
- Technical Support Bonus 2: Website Creation Support – A mini training containing everything you need to self build or hire someone to build your website (Current Value: €297).
Total Value: €5,382
The Promise…
Your unique signature offer, grounded and embodied in such a way that you have all you need to move forward with your business feeling confident, motivated and excited with inspired action propelling your forward momentum.
Together we will….
- Liberate the fears or limiting beliefs holding you back
- Shift from procrastination to Soul inspired action.
- Tune into your unique essence and endless well of inspiration.
- Gain clarity on who you serve and how you serve them
- Allow your transformational offering to arise from within you
- Craft a clear message straight from your Soul
- Ground your soul aligned offer so you feel safe to confidently to share your work with the world.

3 Months Support and Co-Creation
€2,222 +Vat or 4 payments €595 +Vat
3 Months Support and Co-Creation
€2,222 +Vat or 4 payments €595 +Vat
3x her investment launching her coaching program.

By chance, I found Niamh online. And when I clicked through to her website, I just knew that her program is the one. She offered a step-by-step guide on how to create my online program from scratch. I learned so much from Niamh during our time about finding my niche, my ideal customer, about marketing, creating my offer and all the technicalities behind it. And she really beautifully guided me through not just a practical part of the process, but also with a strong focus on mindset. So I could step into the role of the mentor and teacher that I am today. I am now in the stage of launching the beta version of my online program. I already have two clients signed up. My investment into this mentoring program has already been returned double, and I’m super excited to start. Niamh gave me amazing support, always being there for me when I got stuck cheering me on through all my successes and my challenges, inspiring me both as a mentor and now I can say a friend. I always felt heard and understood, and I’m forever grateful that I found her by chance. Investing into this program was really one of my best decisions I ever made for my career. Very grateful.
Liz Szilagy – Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
3x her investment launching her coaching program.

By chance, I found Niamh online. And when I clicked through to her website, I just knew that her program is the one. She offered a step-by-step guide on how to create my online program from scratch. I learned so much from Niamh during our time about finding my niche, my ideal customer, about marketing, creating my offer and all the technicalities behind it. And she really beautifully guided me through not just a practical part of the process, but also with a strong focus on mindset. So I could step into the role of the mentor and teacher that I am today. I am now in the stage of launching the beta version of my online program. I already have two clients signed up. My investment into this mentoring program has already been returned double, and I’m super excited to start. Niamh gave me amazing support, always being there for me when I got stuck cheering me on through all my successes and my challenges, inspiring me both as a mentor and now I can say a friend. I always felt heard and understood, and I’m forever grateful that I found her by chance. Investing into this program was really one of my best decisions I ever made for my career. Very grateful.
Liz Szilagy – Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
“This was the best investment I have ever made in myself. Niamh helped me be proud of what I have to share and guided me until I had a clear plan and high ticket offer”
I’m so grateful for this – Niamh brought me back to myself, helped me be proud of what I have to share with the world, gave me the tools to strengthen my confidence, improve my working flow and most importantly guided me step by step until I had a clear plan and a high ticket offer. It was the best investment I have ever made in myself. I’m so grateful that now I am ready to share my gifts with the world in a whole new way that enables me to reach more people and help them dramatically and in a much deeper way. There is no bigger pleasure than that.

Efi Hodoya – Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
“This was the best investment I have ever made in myself. Niamh helped me be proud of what I have to share and guided me until I had a clear plan and high ticket offer”

I’m so grateful for this – Niamh brought me back to myself, helped me be proud of what I have to share with the world, gave me the tools to strengthen my confidence, improve my working flow and most importantly guided me step by step until I had a clear plan and a high ticket offer. It was the best investment I have ever made in myself. I’m so grateful that now I am ready to share my gifts with the world in a whole new way that enables me to reach more people and help them dramatically and in a much deeper way. There is no bigger pleasure than that.
Efi Hodoya – Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
I’m riding the wave of inspiration and taking massive action as I birth my offer into this world.

I’m currently receiving ‘Embodied Business Coaching’ with the marvellous Niamh Asple and yesterday’s massive take home was around “embodied action”. I find I get fired up about a new idea or offering, only to go into overwhelm and freeze ~ with absolutely NO action having taken place. During our call, Niamh spoke about ‘Inspired Action’ and to “take any actions around the idea as quickly as possible ~ make your lists, whatever/however you like to work, but make sure you ride the wave of inspirational energy for as long as feels good. Prioritise your actions so they have more meaning, juice and flow”. And today I’m riding that wave and taking massive action. I love working in a coaching container ~ you feel so held and supported & seen. It’s perfect for me as I sink into what I am being called to conceive and cultivate and finally birth into this world. Would highly recommend Niamh if you’re looking for FEm Business Coaching.
Andrea Clarke – Feminine Embodiment Coach
I’m riding the wave of inspiration and taking massive action as I birth my offer into this world.
I’m currently receiving ‘Embodied Business Coaching’ with the marvellous Niamh Asple and yesterday’s massive take home was around “embodied action”. I find I get fired up about a new idea or offering, only to go into overwhelm and freeze ~ with absolutely NO action having taken place. During our call, Niamh spoke about ‘Inspired Action’ and to “take any actions around the idea as quickly as possible ~ make your lists, whatever/however you like to work, but make sure you ride the wave of inspirational energy for as long as feels good. Prioritise your actions so they have more meaning, juice and flow”. And today I’m riding that wave and taking massive action. I love working in a coaching container ~ you feel so held and supported & seen. It’s perfect for me as I sink into what I am being called to conceive and cultivate and finally birth into this world. Would highly recommend Niamh if you’re looking for FEm Business Coaching.
Andrea Clarke – Feminine Embodiment Coach
The Truth is…
There are many courses and coaches out there offering to help you create 10k per month or build a 6 figure business but the reality is that unless you have the foundations correctly laid that will never happen.
You will feel disconnected from…
- Who you serve
- How you serve them
- Your aligned offer
- Your authentic message
- And worst of all… Your purpose

You will feel out of alignment and integrity until you connect fully with your Soul work.
The work we will do together forms the foundation for every part of your business.
- Liberating the limiting beliefs that hold you back
- Embodying the resonance of your work
- Connecting with your true Soulmate client
- Creating your aligned offers
- Crafting a clear and powerful message
- Writing the copy for your website
And doing the things that really move the needle in your business:
- Knowing the right words to say to your Soulmate client
- Confidently sharing your message on social media or networking
- Selling your beautiful offerings with pride
And it all starts with the work we do inside The Chrysalis. I will help you create the lasting foundations for a thriving business for the long term…
A business that will fulfil you on all levels, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially, will be deeply rooted in your skill set and will have you feeling confident, excited and motivated, moving forward FAST taking Soul inspired action.

The Truth is…
There are many courses and coaches out there offering to help you create 10k per month or build a 6-figure business but the reality of this is that unless you have the foundations correctly laid that will never happen.
You will feel DISCONNECTED from…
- Who you serve
- How you serve them
- Your aligned offer
- Your authentic message
- And worst of all… Your purpose
You will feel out of alignment and integrity until you connect fully with your Soul work.
The work we will do together forms the foundation for every part of your business.
- Liberating the limiting beliefs that hold you back
- Embodying the resonance of your work
- Connecting with your true Soulmate client
- Creating your aligned offers
- Crafting a clear and powerful message
- Writing the copy for your website
And doing the things that really move the needle in your business:
- Knowing the right words to say to your Soulmate client
- Confidently sharing your message on social media or while networking
- Selling your beautiful offerings with pride
And it all starts with the work we do inside The Chrysalis. I will help you create the lasting foundations for a thriving business for the long term…
A business that will fulfil you on all levels, physically, emotionally, spiritually and financially, will be deeply rooted in your skill set and will have you feeling confident, excited and motivated, moving forward FAST taking Soul inspired action.
Hello Beautiful One,
My name is Niamh. I’m an Embodied Business Coach and a Doula for female coaches ready to birth their Soulwork into the world.
Since 2020 I’ve been passionately supporting brand new coaches, pivoting coaches, 6 figure coaches, yoga teachers turned coaches and other soul-led entrepreneurs to unearth their purpose and craft their signature coaching programs.
It lights me up every time I work with a new client when I see them recognise the incredible gifts they are here to share with the world. This feels like my Soulwork.
This powerful 1-1 container ‘The Chrysalis’ is an extension of this work and I am so proud and excited to share it with you.
You know you are ready to stop playing small & truly become the woman you are destined to be.
This is your Soulwork calling. And I would love to support you to align with your purpose and birth this powerful gift you are here to share with the world.
Niamh xxxx
Hello Beautiful One,
My name is Niamh. I’m an Embodied Business Coach and a Doula for female coaches ready to birth their Soulwork into the world.
Since 2020 I’ve been passionately supporting brand new coaches, pivoting coaches, 6 figure coaches, yoga teachers turned coaches and other soul-led entrepreneurs to unearth their purpose and craft their signature coaching programs.
It lights me up every time I work with a new client when I see them recognise the incredible gifts they are here to share with the world. This feels like my Soulwork.
This powerful 1-1 container ‘The Chrysalis’ is an extension of this work and I am so proud and excited to share it with you.
You know you are ready to stop playing small & truly become the woman you are destined to be.
This is your Soulwork calling. And I would love to support you to align with your purpose and birth this powerful gift you are here to share with the world.
Niamh xxxx
“I’m having breakthroughs I never had before with any other business style coaching. I’m blown away by the discovery of my soul-mate client!”
I’m having breakthroughs while working with Niamh that have never happened before with any other business style course/coaching I’ve ever had. I think my readiness for change has meant that I’m giving my everything to this and that’s a part of it too … but Niamh’s coaching and energy are all amazing. I’m still blown away by the discovery of my soul-mate client! I’m loving the feminine and energetic aspects of this container, it’s reconnecting me to a part of myself that I had lost over the years, even as a Yoga Teacher.
Kate Steiner – Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
“I’m having breakthroughs I never had before with any other business style coaching. I’m blown away by the discovery of my soul-mate client!”
I’m having breakthroughs while working with Niamh that have never happened before with any other business style course/coaching I’ve ever had. I think my readiness for change has meant that I’m giving my everything to this and that’s a part of it too … but Niamh’s coaching and energy are all amazing. I’m still blown away by the discovery of my soul-mate client! I’m loving the feminine and energetic aspects of this container, it’s reconnecting me to a part of myself that I had lost over the years, even as a Yoga Teacher.
Kate Steiner
Yoga Teacher & Online Course Creatrix
“I can’t believe how you have managed to help me extract my super power in an hour! This has helped me feel empowered and confident to grow my business“
I am literally still buzzing from our zoom meeting. I can’t believe how you have managed to help me extract my super power in an hour! This has made me feel so empowered and has given me the confidence to grow my yoga business, knowing that I have the evidence and courage to support everything I am doing. I highly recommend Niamh if you’re feeling stuck with your business. Her superpower is helping you extract your superpower.. that you didn’t even know you had!
Emma Morgan – Yoga Teacher
“I can’t believe how you have managed to help me extract my super power in an hour! This has helped me feel empowered and confident to grow my business”
I am literally still buzzing from our zoom meeting. I can’t believe how you have managed to help me extract my super power in an hour! This has made me feel so empowered and has given me the confidence to grow my yoga business, knowing that I have the evidence and courage to support everything I am doing. I highly recommend Niamh if you’re feeling stuck with your business. Her superpower is helping you extract your superpower.. that you didn’t even know you had!
Emma Morgan
Yoga Teacher
Copyright 2022 Niamh Asple Colinas Del Mar 67, Torreguadiaro, San Roque, Cadiz, Spain.